Upcoming City Events
The Commander's Mansion team is proud to coordinate and collaborate with members of other city departments, nonprofits, local businesses, and volunteers to bring many of the most beloved annual City of Watertown events to the community. We hold events at the Mansion and manage others all across the city! ​
Save the dates and stay tuned for details on our upcoming 2024 events, including:
Saturday, September 21: Faire on the Square 25th Anniversary, at Saltonstall Park. 12:00pm-5:00pm. Visit FaireontheSquare.com for more info!
Saturday, October 26: Wicked Watertown (formerly the Haunted Joyride and now in person!) at the Commander’s Mansion, 440 Talcott Ave from 5-8pm.
Sunday, December 1: The Merry Mingle (formerly the Whoville Jubilee) at the Commander’s Mansion, 440 Talcott Ave. Time to be determined. Featuring a new zone, Winter Holidays Around the World, thanks to generous grant funding from the Massachusetts Cultural Council
Click here for a gallery of images from our 2024 events.